One activity we were determined to get to was sledding. And when I say determined, I mean determined.
Sam, that's not how we take pictures. |
Thanks for the help, Violette. |
Plan A is a go. |
Don't be fooled. We're not actually moving. |
Plan A failed. |
Plan B involved Sam trying to sled in the wheel-less wheelbarrow.
Plan B failed.
Next I tried Plan C, which involved a little kiddy-sled.
Needless to say, Plan C failed.
Plan D was Sam trying to roll down the hill.
Plan D failed when Sam rolled into the ditch.
Plan E was once again my idea. I refused to be bested by the kiddy-sled, so I got in again and told Sam to pull me down the hill.
Onward, noble steed! |
Plan F was pretty much the same, but Violette was in the kiddy-sled this time.
This one looked pretty promising, but did, ultimately, fail.
Plan G was Sam in the kiddy-sled and it failed before it even started. But then he got an idea. An awful idea. The Sam got a wonderful, awful idea!
And thus, Plan H (inchworm down the hill) was born!
As you can imagine, Plan H failed pretty spectacularly, at which point Sam gave up and started making muddy snow angels instead.
We headed back to the house, where I decided to join in on the snow angel making, as I was already covered in snow.
Sam apparently forgot how to snow angel.
Sam, that is not how you snow angel. |